Collaborative Communication – Walking the Talk

Successful communication is critical for boosting productivity through strong working relationships both inside and outside the business. This workshop will provide the skills needed to promote your core business values and understand how strong teamwork supports productivity. It will empower delegates to understand how potential conflict in the business can become a positive force for change and growth.

Course outline

The power of understanding and promoting core business values
Maximising the impact of effective teamwork on outcomes
Boosting the effect of listening and being listened to through professional and attentive understanding
Recognising and exploiting personal strengths
Enhancing emotional intelligence – how and why others can react as they do
Tips for handling emerging conflicts with confidence
Appreciation of the need for self-maintenance


Participants will:

Understand the key importance of internal and external effective communication at all levels
Increase their understanding of the positive impact of strong teamwork
Appreciate the negative impact of poor communication
Gain skills to handle emerging conflicts – and how to de-escalate
Explore tried and tested models to find a way forward in conflicts that arise
Appreciate the importance of recommended self-care methods to support excellence in business

IN-HOUSE COURSE tailored to your specific requirements