Our team of tutors have commercial experience within their fields of expertise. They have all delivered training within a variety of business sectors and at all levels within an organisation. Where appropriate they hold relevant qualifications and are accredited with the recognised bodies.
We specialise in making sure that the best tutor is selected to deliver your training. Their specialist areas and attributes are described below.
Karyn Buck BA (Hons) Karyn is the Managing Director of The Learning Ladder Ltd., which provides training solutions for individuals, teams and organisations. Karyn was also a Senior …Read More |
Valerie Brandvik Valerie’s training style is informal, energetic, fun, awareness-raising, confidence-building and transformational. She specialises in …Read More. |
Adrian Moss Adrian has spent more than 30 years of his career in sales and marketing. A founder member of a number of technology companies and marketing/PR agencies, he has helped them …Read More. |
Annie Mulady Annie has worked in sales and service roles for over 20 years and has extensive international experience from retail manufacturing, …Read More. |
Ann Mullard Ann Mullard is an accredited Myers-Briggs Type trainer with extensive experience in the learning & development environment. With a wealth of team and partnership management …Read More. |
Maggie Newton Maggie is an experienced personal development professional, business coach and mentor with a wealth of experience in delivering business solutions and effective behaviour change …Read More. |
Dr. Heather Pike Qualified and experienced in management, mediation, and education, Heather has a strong track record in innovative, interactive training, having set up and led in-house, …Read More. |
Matt Wardle Matt has been developing his business IT skills for many years. Having started as an office junior in the busy accounts department of a National chilled …Read More. |